What crystals to use and where in your home
There’s no denying that crystals have become a popular décor piece in interior styling but there’s more to crystals than just their outer beauty. Every crystal possesses unique properties — from healing crystals, to love crystals and even protection crystals. So whether you’re drawn to crystals for their beauty or for their energy and want to use them as tools in your home, we’ve got crystal expert Soud of Higher+Self with us to share the best crystals to use and where.
In your living room
There are many crystals you could use in your living room but a few that Soud suggests are:
Amethyst is the master of calming and is perfect for a living space as it soothes anxiety and stress. Said to purify any space of negative vibrations, this crystal cools excessive emotions for a relaxed living room space
Apophyllite is a high vibe crystal and will raise the vibration of any space it’s placed in. Ideal for bringing in positivity and uplifting vibes, apophyllite is perfect for any social living room
Hematite has beautiful grounding properties and great energizing qualities. We talk more about this crystal in the bedroom section below
Amazonite is perfect for reducing stress and improving emotional wellbeing. Further, it’s said to help with clearing your muddled thoughts for better understanding of yourself and others
Sodalite can help you express things in the best way possible. Because of this, it’s said to be effective in ending disagreements. And Sodalite can also be used for calmness and tranquility.
The use of any of these crystals in your living space will help to create a relaxing living space while promoting positive energy.
A cluster of crystals around the TV can also help absorb electronic energy, particularly the grounding combination of Hematite and Black Tourmaline.
In your bedroom
There are a variety of crystals you can use in the bedroom including:
Rose Quartz is the ultimate love stone. Attract a partner, amplify romantic energy in the bedroom or manifest unconditional love by having Rose Quartz in your bedroom. It’s recommended to place the crystal in the right hand-side of your room as this is the romance corner in Feng Shui
Smoky Quartz helps absorb negative thought patterns and can help lift your mood. One of the ultimate protective stones, smoky quartz can help you alleviate nightmares and sleep peacefully
Clear Quartz is a powerful cleansing crystal and works to help with healing. This crystal is perfect for lifting your mood and making you feel better. Some people even place clear quartz directly on them, specifically their forehead, while lying down in bed
Lapis Lazuli is a deep sapphire blue colour gemstone and helps you find your happy place again! This blue stone is all about stimulating openness and infinite possibilities of the imagination
Jet is also a strong and protective stone. Also known to draw out negative energy and unreasonable fears, Jet has an incredibly strong calming effect. This makes it perfect for dealing with stress and negative emotions.
In your kids room
Recently, Patrick was having night terrors and fears of monsters and other scary things. Soud suggested a combination of three crystals in his bedroom:
The Selenite wand is a cleansing tool, said to unblock stagnant energy and remove negative energy from a space. By placing it on the windowsill, you help protect your space and raise its vibrations
Hematite is a protective and grounding stone, helping you feel aligned and centered while also absorbing negative energy. It can also be used to amplify self-confidence and courage
A Geode is a highly healing and protective crystal, positive energy producer and amplifier. Place it next to the Hematite to amplify the ability to ward away negativity.
In your kitchen and dining areas
As areas that are social, creative and often full of life, Soud suggests these crystals to help you enhance these spaces:
A Feldspar point is an especially great crystal for your kitchen and dining area. It helps amplify an energy of wellness and health and is excellent for promoting creative thinking
Calcite is another ideal crystal due to it’s cleansing properties that help boost and fortify the immune system and overall wellbeing.
Carnelian is a great crystal for your kitchen, especially if you’re lacking confidence in the cooking department. Carnelian increases motivation and stamina and boosts creativity, perfect to help inspire your cooking journey and keep you going
Clear Quartz, which we mentioned above, is also a popular choice for its cleansing properties.
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