Indoor Air-Purifier Plants That Are Easy To Grow

10 Indoor Air-Purifier Plants That Are Easy To Grow

Areca Plant

 Areca Plant would like to be your house plant. it has smooth long golden trunk and feather-shaped leaves. Its bloom in Summer.


How to take care 

You see, It don't have many requirements. All you have to do is provide a space where there is indirect sunlight. Soil must remain moist, however, don't forget to let it dry a little during winters. Please don't overwater.

If you are wondering how long It take to grow. Then let me answer that, It can grow up to 30 feet. But you can restrict  height to 7 feet if you put me in a tiny pot.

Features of Areca Plant

It can filter out xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, toluene from the air. It can be your home's best humidifier. Besides giving oxygen for you to breathe, also pet friendly. (Hurray! Your cats and dogs will love it.)

Snake Plant


Snake Plant  can be the best indoor plant for your house. Strappy leaves which looks like a snake (Don't worry, It wont bite). 


How to take care 

You don't have to water a lot. It will still remain amazing if you don't water for even a week. And yes, It would like to have space where there is indirect sunlight. You can keep it in your bedroom or in the bathroom.


The most amazing feature of me is that It can produce oxygen even at nights. Hence, give you a good night sleep. And if you are unwell by having a sore throat or stuffy nose, It will be glad to help you breath. So that you will be able to sleep peacefully at night.

Furthermore, It can purify the air by filtering out formaldehyde and benzene and also control the presence of dust and dander in the air.

Aloe Vera


Plant to whom Egyptian friends call the plant of immortality, have thick fleshy lance-shaped leaves. Aloe vera leaves have spikes that are not harmful.


How to take care 

It like to sunbathe, hence  prefer to have a spot where there is direct sunlight. It also don't require much water. Minimum water is fine .

Features of Aloe Vera

Like Snake Plant, It can produce oxygen at night and can also control the carbon dioxide level in the air. It can also filter out benzene and formaldehyde from the air. It too have medicinal properties. It can help you to heal from burned skin, scars and inflation.

Weeping Fig



 Even  though plant name is weeping fig, It won't cry, It just have shiny green leaves that appear like falling tears. moreover, It has a twisted trunk. And leaves can grow up to 4 inches long.

How to take care 

Keep at a place where there is sunlight as well as some shade. Water  moderately, don't overwater as well as underwater. If leaves appear crispy, that means you are keeping it thirsty. And if leaves fold easily, that means you are making it drink more water than my limit (Please let it remain sober).


It stay green throughout the year. Keep it near your furniture and carpets and It will help to clean pollutants from it. Good at destroying toluene, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air.

Spider Plant


Spider Plant, Its called like that because leaves occur like hanging spider legs, leaves arch and are slender.


How to take care 

It would like to live in indirect sunlight and a hanging container. It would like to have plenty of water in summer and spring. However, in winter, It prefer less water.

Features of Spider Plant

It can eliminate chemicals from the air thus you can put me in a garage. Where there is a lot of proportion of leather and rubber, It will help keep the air pure. Furthermore, It can fight with xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide. It can also be a very good friend to your pets. So buy it.

Song of India


Song of India, also known as Dracaena reflexa. No, It don't sing a song. But, Its very good looking and leaves are thick and have two colours: green and yellow.


How to take care 

It like to remain in bright light. The bright light is the reason for leaves having a green and yellow pattern. Hence if It don't get the light, the yellow colour will fade away. Keep soil moist, but not consistently soggy. It like the humidity.


Good remedy for sick building syndrome. It can relieve you of sore eyes, nausea, anxiety, stress and headaches. It can also help you in increasing concentration in studies or work. It can eliminate benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene. Yes like every other plant, It can control carbon dioxide and give amazing oxygen for you to breath.



Tulsi - The queen of herbs also known as the Indian Holy Basil. Green leaves are oval-shaped and appear pointed. It has a healing scent.


How to take care 

Its love to stay in the sunlight. Water regularly but don't cross the limits. You can keep it near windows or in front of your house.


Have many medicinal properties. It can also protect you from carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and mosquitoes , stimulant and antipyretic. Cream of leaves can keep your skin fresh. Leaves can also keep your hair healthy and eyes soothing. It can also help you lose weight and keep you young.

Rubber Plant


Rubber plant,  named like that because this plant latex sap is used in preparing rubber. It has shiny dark green leaves.


How to take care 

Its love to sit in indirect sunlight and would like to have water such that soil remains moist. However, don't overdo it. Also do keep a note to keep soil dry during the winter, here also don't overdo it. Relax, it's not that complicated. It will tell you if it need water or sunlight by dropping some bottom leaves.

Features of Rubber Plant

It can help remove xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air.

Pineapple Plant



 I think there is no need to introduce it because Its famous amongst you already. Still, It have fabulous stocky leaves, a wonderful central stem and of course a tasty fruit.

How to take care 

First thing first, It don't like cold weather. It would love to shine in the sunlight and like little water. Don't overdo it, Its not a "waterholic".


Are you fed up with your partner snoring? Then worry not, because It might help control it as It can produce oxygen at night and can give quality sleep .

Bamboo Plant


Its great in height and can grow between 4 to 12 feet. It has intense green culms and leaves are lanced shaped.


How to take care 

Its like sunlight and don't like much water. Soil should neither be too moist nor too dry.


It can eliminate formaldehyde at a great rate from the air because of its height. It can also filter out trichloroethylene and benzene from the air. Plus, Its pet friendly.


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