Garden With Pebbles
Garden With Pebbles Pebbles Garden Using pebbles in a garden brings different colors and textures to the garden. Pebbles can fill up otherwise empty space, leaving a visual impression that's more interesting than simple dirt, soil or mulch. Pebbles can serve other purposes, such as creating a decorative border, landscaped path, or a pretty ground and soil cover. In order to best pebble a garden, it's important to clear a space for pebbles, choose the pebbles, and put the pebbles into the garden space. Tour local gardens for inspiration before planning to pebble the garden. Measure the amount of space dedicated for pebbles. Carefully plan out your pebbled space. This area should be blocked off from the rest of the garden to heighten the effect of the pebbles. Use a tape measure to get the exact measurements you need to pebble your garden. This will help you know exactly how many Kg of pebbles you need. In general, 5Kg of pebbles will cover about 1 square fee